Monday, September 27, 2021

Some Introductions

Hello, Good Evening, and Welcome

Like many people throughout the pandemic, we* have decided to start a blog. 

There are many "this is how to do Grad School" advice pages, blogs, and influencers out there today. They all undoubtedly offer some great advice on what to expect and how to prepare yourself for taking on graduate school. We could probably contribute a significant amount to that discussion too. However, as the title suggests, this is not our PhD nor is it about PhDs specifically. Rather, it is about all the things we enjoy in the background of school, research, and work. 

While we will likely discuss our ongoing research a fair bit, this is also a place where we hope to share some observations, analysis, and hobbies for anyone interested. Expect to see comments on video games, furniture design, and a recipe or two. We will probably discuss a little bit of everything from current events to things that we in no way experts on but simply want to appreciate. 

A Bit About the Contributors 

Grant is the kind of person who owns a questionable amount of wool clothing, and looks like he works at a craft brewery. He's interested in the space where the state ends and defence begins through a theoretical lens. He says IR is out, IPE is in. 

Kat has a deep disdain for parquet flooring, and looks like she has taken up permeant residence in the library, unbeknownst to the staff. She is primarily interested in examining elections and rural voting behaviours in North America. Deep down, she wants electoral reform delivered by a little orange man just like New Zealand.

*We, being two political science grad students. Bad fashion and questionable morals lie ahead, proceed with caution. 

Some Introductions

Hello, Good Evening, and Welcome Like many people throughout the pandemic, we* have decided to start a blog.  There are many "this is h...